35 days left! Still growing by leaps and bounds. How do I do this? I'll tell you how - by gaining 7.5lbs in 2.5 weeks that's how! I had a midwife appointment where, incidentally, I met the last midwife in the practice I had yet to meet and didn't like her, which is most unfortunate as I now know I'm only going to be content with having 3 out of 5 of them at my birth. However, the fact remains, I gained 7 pounds in 2.5 weeks. I was NOT expecting that. She gave me some flack (which is the first time the whole pregnancy that any of them have said anything about my weight gain being anything other than fine btw even when I've been concerned) and she said if I was still gaining like that at my next appointment we'd talk nutrition. Really? Cuz you had me book my next appointment at 37 weeks so... seems kinda silly to talk nutrition then! Not to mention I'm not an idiot and am fully aware of what is healthy and what is less so, but I'm also not eating particularly differently either. They also took my weight before having me pee. Who does that?!
Apart from the "weight before peeing" bit, I have also been experiencing a definite distinct increase in swelling since my previous appointment. Exhibit A: my feet. Now if you've never seen my feet/ankles, you probably don't know that they aren't usually little toe sausages stuck onto puffy troll-like feet supported by tree-trunk-like ankles squeezed to death by socks. But let me assure you, this is in no way normal for my feet. I start the day only slightly swollen, but by afternoon they're usually all sorts of ginormous. Good times. I mentioned the swelling at the appointment but she didn't seem to care, said to drink more water. Thanks! I mean my blood pressure is still good so I guess there's not much to care about, but she could have at least wanted to look at it ya know? Anyway, I suspect that I am carrying a fair amount of fluid weight at this point. I'm trying to actively lay off the salt (alas my beloved salt!!) and drink constantly and keep my feet up whenever I can - so if I have a day where I do a lot and my feet are crazy puffed I'll try to lay low the next day and rest and keep my feet up. Doesn't always work or make a difference, but I make the effort all the same.
Other random things, we've installed the car seat bases into both of our cars - still need to get them inspected, but they're installed nevertheless. We got our baby monitor, sheets for the co-sleeper and pack n play, I got my awesome Ergo, we got some more decorative/storage things for the nursery and pretty much are about ready to go. Still need to pack the birth bag, that's a big one. I washed all the itty bitty clothes, still need to wash the dipes along with sheets/blankets/etc. so there are still some things to do. I'm having a diaper bag made by someone on Etsy, so I still need to get that and we have some wooden letters to spell her name out above the crib that were being made by someone on Ebay that still have to arrive. But we're definitely getting there! Slowly but surely. :-)
Monday, April 26, 2010
35/35 - 35 Weeks Pregnant and 35 Days to Go!
Posted by
*nikki at 5:03 PM
Labels: 3rd trimester, appointments, belly picture, pregnancy, weight gain
Labels: 3rd trimester, appointments, belly picture, pregnancy, weight gain

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