Friday, October 16, 2009

First Appointment and 8 week belly picture!

So I haven't had a lot of time to update - I started working on Monday of this week and between working and being completely and totally exhausted when I come home, coupled with our very needy kitties and a shower to take and dinner to make and eat - well you get the picture.  Work has been good though - it's really phenomenal to work for a company - and a person for that matter - who treats you really well.  I really hope they decide to keep me permanently sooner rather than later!

So - Tuesday 10/13 was the first appointment.  It was about an hour and fifteen-ish mins.  Height, weight, pee in a cup, 1 hour GD (gestational diabetes) test - which was pretty early for most places and i suspect will be repeated in 20 weeks or so - and they also took 6, count them SIX vials of blood.  I was not pleased.  Aside from that it was taking a history of the two of us, family diseases, talk about genetic testing, do this and don't do that, etc etc etc.  Very un-exciting and anti-climactic - and I got the joy of throwing up the orange glucola drink when I got home - also lovely.  The nurse also kinda got on my nerves with the fact that she ignored the bbt chart I brought with me to show when I ovulated so they could set my due date accordingly (and NOT according to the LMP that assumes you ovulated on day 14 which I didn't).  She asked if I plan to breastfeed or use formula and when I said we were going to breastfeed she said "oh you're going to try that" which just sort of irked me.  She also informed me they no longer do water births at Anna Jaques - so I'm interested to see on the tour next week if they actually have tubs because on their website tubs are one of the two pictures they show on the birth center page so.....???  Yeah.  Unimpressed.  I will go to the tour and my second appt for my u/s and meet the midwife, but I'm def also going to check out my other options in the area and ask a LOT of questions.

So that's quite a bit about me - what about what's up with baby?! Well the end of week 8 will be offically 2 months pregnant which is awesome - come on end of first tri!!  :-)  This week is 'raspberry baby' week if you're following the baby-to-foodstuff ratios.  Eyelids, tongues, earlobes and the tip of the nose are forming!  Cartilage and bones will begin to form this week, and  Baby can move those tiny little arms and legs as well now, though I still can't feel it and won't be able to for several more weeks (unfortunately!).  I'm really looking forward to being able to feel movement.  It will also be a relief to feel the movement as right now I only have my constant yarking and super sore boobs as a sort of check to make sure things are 'okay' in there.  It will be nice not to have to yark to know things are still fine.  Lol..

This is actually a fun picture that labels the little bits and pieces of baby at this stage.  My little alien baby.. hehehe..  Sometimes I wonder if our cinema 'image' of alien beings came from u/s images of babies.  There's definitely some correlation I think!

So in case you can't tell, I'm still getting sick most every morning - today was the first day I got sick at work which was fantastic.  I sit reeeeally far from the bathroom which is seriously unfortunate.  They're renovating the bathrooms and the closest ones to me have been closed and the next closest ones only have two stalls and are NOT close at all.  I'm hoping that I definitely don't start making a habit out of that in any case.  They called in a script for Reglan at my appointment, but I haven't taken it yet.  I don't know that I can take it soon enough in the morning to have it keep me from getting sick right away and that's the worst of my troubles.  I may try it soon though.. we shall see.

The nursing line actually called and left me a message today that just said to call them back as soon as I could.  Which of course then sent me into some kind of panic - sure that somehow (despite getting sick this morning) the blood pregnancy test they took must have come back negative, or some other massively bad thing showed up.  Then I called back right away and of course they're at lunch and apparently don't do a rolling lunch schedule so someone always covers the phones or anything so I had to call back in an hour.  Apparently I have a UTI I didn't know about and they called in a script for me.  That's all.  They really ought to work on their message leaving skills.  Oiy.  It was after that that I wound up getting sick at work so I probably upset myself during the course of eating lunch and it unsettled my stomach.  Boo on them.

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