Monday, September 28, 2009

5 weeks and first belly picture!

On 9/23 I was exactly 5 weeks pregnant (for those who don't know they count from your last period not conception!) and wanted to get on the ball with taking weekly belly pictures.

I'm now sorry that I didn't take a picture at 4 weeks or even the day I found out to more accurately document my 'pre-pregnancy belly' - I thought I had plenty of time!  But at 5 weeks I have most noticeably grown a pot belly of bloat.

Yes ladies and gentlemen that is NOT a baby belly you see there that is most decidely bloat.  I'd also like to note that in this picture I have a cold and could really have lived without having my beautiful face puff documented in the bowels of history but I'll consider it one among the many sacrifices I'm sure I'll be making for our growing spawn - aka the lizard baby.

Lizard baby because this is what our little bean looks like at this stage of development - salamander-like in my opinion!  Actually this pic may still be in the 4 week development range but you get the picture.  I am growing us a lil' lizard!!  :-D

Symptoms so far haven't been too crazy.  Only one cookie tossing episode so far and some moderate queasy moments.  I've definitely had cramping though, and a ton of gas (even for me!) and massively sore and expanding boobage.  For some reason my cats seem to think now is the most excellent time to walk on said boobage despite my numerous attempts to explain that in reality it most decidely is not!  Dang critters!

Also of note - the first appt was scheduled for 10/13 which will mostly be a 'history and labs' appt, and the first u/s is scheduled for 10/28 at which time I will be 10 weeks.  Our little bean's first picture!!  Squee!  Immediately following the u/s we will have our first meeting with the midwife as the first appt is run by a nurse coordinator.  It is insanely nerve-wracking to wait for these appointments to ascertain that everything is going along as it should be - so many things can go wrong in 1st tri..  But with every cramp (without bleeding) and every moment of queasiness or sore boobage I remind myself that this is a sign that our little lizard is growing strong and hanging in there.  But for this reason we've optted not to share the news with extended family until the end of the 1st tri (or at least after our u/s if we can't wait!).

We will also be able to tour the Anna Jaques birth center in Newburyport on 10/21 - one week before the first u/s and midwife meeting.  I like this because it will allow me to see the facility and meet the practitioners.  I am not 100% set on where we will give birth and want to fully explore all of our options to ensure the best fit, however I had already had care established with Women's Health Care which operates out of Anna Jaques so have set up my initial appts with them.  I also would like to tour the North Shore Birth Center in Beverly as well as the Coastal Family Birth Retreat in Stratham, NH as free-standing birth center alternatives, and plan to interview a few homebirth midwives as well.  This is an exciting time full of big decisions but it's good to have some dates set and things set into motion already!

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