Meet the "full term bellah"! :-) Our little girl is finished developing, just gaining wait at this point, and can come whenever she wishes now. Hooray! She's somehow gotten even lower recently - which didn't seem possible, but there you have it. I had a midwife appointment on Tuesday the 4th and all was well, but she had to go waaaaaay down low to get the heartbeat! Consequently, I still only measure 36 but she said that once they drop you often won't make it to 40 so they're not concerned about that at all which is good. I also only gained 3lbs from my previous appt that was 2 weeks before. At this point it's expected to gain a pound a week so after the 7lb jump the last time, I was definitely thrilled to be right where I should be. And most importantly, my blood pressure and urine samples were all normal so there's no concern about my swelling at this point which is great. I'd rather NOT be swelling like this but it's definitely good to know it's just inconveniencing me and not causing a true problem.
They also did my Group B Strep culture at the 37 week appointment - still waiting to see how that will come back, but they did tell me they send the culture with request for sensitivities since I'm allergic to penicillin and that usually what they wind up using is Clindamycin which is actually something I've used topically before as an acne medication. Added bonus is that it's given every 8 hours instead of every 4 like the penicillins are. And even if it is positive, I don't need to show up at the birth center until my water breaks - so fingers crossed I labor like my mother (in more ways than one) and my water doesn't break until pushing! Though basically they told me that the pediatricians like to see a dose of antibiotic at least 4 hours before birth, so I'm feeling better about being able to still labor at home regardless of which way the culture comes back. I'm not thrilled about the thought of possibly having to have a heplock IV line, but will deal with that if it turns out to be a reality.
We also had our "pre-birth meeting" with our doula last night where we were able to go over any updates in the pregnancy and our plan and desires for the birth. It really made it hit home that it could happen any time now! But it was good to see she was on the same page with us and to know that we'll have someone there for us that actually knows what's going on and will have at least a certain level of detachment that is not something that Jeff or I could ever get in the situation, and sometimes you need that.
I actually had a weekend of tummy upset last weekend that got us both a little excited thinking that things might be gearing up, but so far not the case. And as piece of TMI, I think I've started to slowly lose my mucous plug between weeks 36 and 37. No idea if it's actually 'gone' yet or even if that was just it getting ready or something, but I've heard not everyone loses it all at once and that sometimes they lose it over time more liquifying than just popping out. Shrug. I also know that you can lose it multiple times and it can regenerate so it's not really the best 'labor sign' out there.
But we're ready, that's for sure. I know I keep saying it's getting harder and harder to move around, but now it DEFINITELY is hard to move around and do things. Just going out to the store can be tough - my back starts to really hurt, and my feet start to hurt because they don't fit well in my shoes anymore (even my flip flops!). My heartburn/reflux is INSANE at this point, which would actually be interesting if it didn't suck so bad because she's so much lower than she was so my digestive bits have more room than they did - so why is it worse?! It's a problem at night - I usually wind up taking some tums one of the times I get up to pee in the night and still have problems, so needless to say this is one of those things I'm hoping goes away fairly immediately. I mean, goes away to the extent it was gone before I was pregnant - i.e. managed with meds.
Despite all my discomforts though, I know I'm going to miss feeling her wiggling around inside me, knowing that she's with me. We both definitely can't wait to meet her though, to see what she'll look like and to learn about her little personality. So we sit and play the waiting game. :-)
Friday, May 7, 2010
37 Weeks: Full Term!!
Posted by
*nikki at 8:02 AM
Labels: 3rd trimester, appointments, belly picture, doula, movement, pregnancy, weight gain
Labels: 3rd trimester, appointments, belly picture, doula, movement, pregnancy, weight gain

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