I've also been tied to our washing machine doing baby prep. I washed the newborn sized clothes, then the 0-3 month sized clothes. Then there were the pack n play sheets and the cosleeper sheets. The receiving blankets (which filled the washer all on their own - I couldn't believe it!!). Some crib sheets, changing pad covers, baby blankets, the baby socks (more on this later!) and lastly all the newborn diapers. Including the prefolds, I counted 38 diapers that *should* work for us from the get-go provided she's an average sized baby. This should allow us hopefully 2 days between washing in the beginning (fingers crossed) to make things easier while we're getting used to caring for a newborn!
The final count of our newborn diaper stash is:
12 Kissaluvs Size 0 fitteds
3 Muttaqin Baby newborn fitteds
3 Bububebe newborn fitteds
2 Little Boppers newborn fitteds
4 BumGenius 3.0 All-In-One x-small
3 Thirsties Duo Diapers size 1
11 Green Mountain Diapers Cloth-eez Orange Edge Prefolds
and then 3 Snappi Diaper Fasteners for the Prefolds
I also have 6 covers:
5 Thirsties Covers x-small
1 Thirsties Duo Wrap size 1
As well as 3 pairs of newborn sized longies that can be used as covers - 2 knit by me and 1 pair of fleece longies. I'd say we are definitely good to go. I'll try to add a pic of the whole newborn stash organized in our diaper drawer later. And not a single one of those was purchased new either. There may be one or two that were sold to me second-hand but unused, but all were purchased from other mamas, which saved a good deal of money and allowed me to get some of the nicer/cuter and thusly more expensive types of diapers for much less than I would have paid for new (so if you actually follow those links to look at the diapers know that I did not pay that price for any of them!). I love my little diapers. :-)
What I did NOT love was the arduous process of taking apart allll the little baby socks from the packaging they came in. Seriously - it was like someone went crazy trigger-happy with those little plastic tags that stick things together? every sock was shot through twice and needed to be cut free - it took FOREVER. and THEN they all had to be washed - well infant socks are freakin tiny! I've since been advised to get a lingerie bag to wash them in, or a pillow case, to keep them from getting lost in everything else, but man was that a good time. And then matching them up! I definitely am considering for the future just keeping them loose and grabbing whatever two socks I grabbed and saying I let her pick them out. lol. In any case, baby socks are my new nemesis. :-)
So all the laundry is essentially done - I might get another one or two pack n play/cosleeper sheets and if so would need to wash them, but at this point if we have it already it's washed. Our ceiling repairs from the water damage we incurred during the big roof leaking extravaganza was also finished this week, so our next order of business is to move our bed (to where the ceiling leaked!) and rearrange the bedroom so that we can get the cosleeper out of the nursery and into our room. We've already done some massive overhauling of my clothes in order to make room for Jeff to start utilizing some of the space in our bedroom and give up more of the nursery closet. I'm not sure that we'll ever wind up with ALL his stuff out of there, but I'm also not sure that it will be necessary to do so either.
My diaper bag was officially shipped yesterday, so I'm super excited to see it. She sent it priority mail from Alabama, so I'm hoping that I get it tomorrow! Still no name block letters - I may contact that seller soon to find out if they've shipped yet or what. I believe the listing said he gives himself 4 weeks to custom make the letters (seems like a long dang time to me but whatever) and it's been 4 weeks at this point - but the shipping estimate (i.e. arrival time window) doesn't seem to start until May 11th which seems like a bit more than the normal shipping time if he shipped at 4 weeks and I haven't heard anything from him since the purchase, so we'll see. Other than that, we're pretty set!